Onyx Portfolios are blend of Equity MFs, Debt MFs, Index Funds and International Funds based on well researched and backtested Algos and further optimised using Modern Portfoio Theory. These are suitable for different needs, life situations and time frames.
20 portfolios satisfying 30+ needs
You may be single, married, or retired. You may want regular income or want to create wealth with a high-growth plan. You are in need of money to start your own business after leaving your service. You may want to leave behind a legacy. We have attempted to identify your most important needs and we built portfolios to attain your goals and dreams.
These model portfolios are illustrations to show how your investments grow in given times frames according your risk tolerance.

Why Onyx Portfolios
You have your goals all mapped out but you aren’t quite confident that you can build the right portfolios to get there. Onyx Portfolios provides those portfolios, complete with the right asset allocation, category and strategy mix.
It mixes mutual funds, ETFs, and deposits – picked from our researched list – to ensure that you invest in the most suitable products for your goal and are not just focused on one product.